Volunteer and Contractor Induction
St Patrick's Primary School takes its commitment to student safety very seriously. St Patrick's has a number of policies and documents relating to our obligations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and to ensure that the people onsite at the school during a school day are appropriately checked,
The Victorian Government recently introduced new Child Safe Standards along with Ministerial Order No 870, which set out the minimum requirements for schools in relation to child safety. Child Safe Standard 4 and Clause 10 of Ministerial Order No 870 relates to staff screening, selection, supervision, training and other human resources practises that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel, including employees, volunteers and contractors.
St Patrick's parents, carers and indeed other family members, who wish to help at the school can do so in many ways. All volunteers must hold a current and valid Working With Children's Check and have completed an annual induction with the school to ensure that they are aware of the current State laws and requirements with respect to working with children.
St Patrick's engages various contractors from time to time, either on a one-off, casual or regular basis. Those contractors fulfill various roles at the school and may or may not come into direct contact with our students during their time on site. All contractors are subject to the same laws and requirements as a volunteer, and must hold a current and valid Working With Children's Check. They must have also completed an induction with the school to ensure that you are aware of the current State laws and requirements with respect to working with children as well as OH&S and other compliance issues.
In order to fulfill the obligations under the State law, we require every volunteer and contractor of St Patrick's Primary School to complete an annual induction as required under the Child Safe laws. The induction process is now completed on the iPads in the front office the first time a person signs in. On the anniversary of the induction you will be emailed to complete an update. In order to complete the induction, you will need to provide your Working With Children's Check.
Working with Children's Checks
Government regulations require that anyone that attends the school that has more than incidental contact with students must have a current and valid Working With Children's Check.
If you do not hold a current Working With Children's Check, you must go online, complete the application form and then attend an Australia Post outlet to finalise the application. It will then be processed and you will be notified of the outcome. The website for applications can be found here.