Vision, Values and Logo
A school's vision and values speak to the core of the school and what it believes in. Our logo is a well-known symbol that represents the school's history and mantra of walking in the footsteps of the Lord.
School Vision
St Patrick’s Primary school works in partnership with families, the parish and the community both locally and global. Together the whole school community developed its Vision statement in 2017.
“St Patrick’s is a Catholic learning community. We commit to being a school where all members have an opportunity to flourish in an inclusive relational environment. We believe in developing active and curious learners. We aspire to be compassionate and responsive to the needs of all.”
School Values
We value celebrating Catholic traditions, engaging in dialogue and critically reflecting on faith in a contemporary context, and that social justice is an integral part of our Catholic faith.
We value and nurture a caring community of staff, students and parents by promoting the values of respect, tolerance and co-operation.
We value that every child at St Patrick’s should experience 12 months growth in 12 months. We value that personalised learning is embedded in our curriculum with student engagement, rigorous teaching and purposeful learning in all areas of the curriculum.
We value that all students should accept responsibility for their own learning and need to develop a higher level of self-esteem which in turn will lead to resilience and empathy.
We value the criteria for St. Patrick’s Primary School to be Child Safe compliant.
We value a staff culture that is characterised by a shared vision and a strong sense of team work.
We value the involvement of all families and community groups in the life of the school.
School Logo
The St Patrick's school logo is:
In the Footsteps of the Lord
The motto was selected after a school-wide competition was run in 1988.
The competition was won by a Year 3 class (3J) after one of their families had discussed the competition around the dinner table and spoke about how at times in life Jesus may have helped and how they could live like Him, hence "In the Footsteps of the Lord".
The class submitted that motto and won and it has been the school motto ever since.