Prayer is a personal response to God’s presence and is a form of communicating with God. It fosters a personal and living relationship with God and nourishes the spiritual growth of all members of the school community.
Each class takes time out of the day to pray. There are many ways of communicating with God. Students are encouraged to participate and lead prayers at assemblies, in classrooms during liturgical celebrations and at Mass. All students have opportunities to experience prayer situations, which are:
• FORMAL - to learn words, songs and gestures that will help students to pray.
• PUBLIC - to share aloud a prayer or prayer intention.
• PRIVATE - to listen as well as speak to God personally.
• SILENT - to engage in reflection, meditation or times of silence.
Classes begin the day with either Christian Meditation or Prayer. All members of the school community are invited to participate in Christian Meditation and Prayer at the beginning of the day. Prayer commences with The Sign of the Cross and a scripture reading. Prayer concludes with St Patrick pray for us and we always remember to pray for one another.
The staff, Parents and Friends Committee and School Advisory Council commence their meetings with prayer.
Sacred Space/Prayer Table
A prominent place in learning spaces is provided as a focus for prayer and a constant reminder of the presence and closeness of God. A different colour cloth is displayed for each of the liturgical seasons. The following is placed on every prayer table: a Bible, Crucifix, Candle to represent the light of Christ present during class prayer time and Resources – prayer book, biblical pictures, children’s Bible stories. Various religious icons and artefacts brought in by students can be placed on prayer tables.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer occurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students pray before lunch and at the end of the school day. Prayer may also occur at other times throughout the day. At the beginning of every school year, each class creates their own class prayer to start their morning prayer.

Christian Meditation
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we commence the day with Christian Meditation that is a form of Contemplative Prayer. The whole school sits in quietness and stillness. This allows all to continue to build a relationship with God while slowing down one’s breathing. The purpose is to clear one’s mind of outside concerns so that God’s voice may be more easily heard.
Meal time prayer
Year Prep and Year One students are encouraged to pray a simple prayer before the lunch time meal. Students in Year Two to Year 6 say grace using a traditional prayer.
End of school day prayer
Classes are encouraged to pray the traditional prayer of Hail Mary or Our Father to conclude the day.
School prayer
St Patrick's has a school prayer which is part of the daily prayers undertaken in the school. It is as follows:
Let us remember we are in the Holy presence of God and each other.
Au nom du père, du fils et du Saint-Esprit. Amen
Upon this ancient land of the Taungurung people, we pray together:
Loving God,
Inspire us to learn with each other in the community.
Give us strength to show love and compassion like the Mercy Sisters and Marist Brothers.
We honour all those who have come before us.
Help us flourish in all that we do.
In the way of Mary, help us to be strong and true.
St Patrick and St Marcellin, Priez pour nous.
Mary our good mother, pray for us.
And may we always remember to... pray for one another.
In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.