Specialist Subjects
At St Patrick's we recognise that education is far more diverse than the traditional English and maths. To that end we provide our students with a range of specialist subjects to complete the curriculum.
Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) at St Patrick's focuses on developing students Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), teamwork, cooperation, respect and to promote the benefits of leading an active lifestyle. Each class attends a weekly one hour PE lesson where students practise their movement skills, develop new movement strategies and concepts to give them the confidence to participate in a range of sporting and game based activities. For more information about Physical Education and other opportunities in sport click here.
Language (French)
Students in Prep – Year 6 will be involved in weekly French lessons. The students learn functional language through speaking, communicating, using gestures, reading and writing. Each class attends a French lesson for one hour a week. For more information about French, click here.
Visual Arts
Visual Art is an integral part of school life at St.Pats. Our students get "messy" and learn techniques that develop their creativity and curiosity. Each class attends a visual art class for one hour a week. For more information about visual arts, click here.
Science at St Patrick's supports students in
developing their skills and interest in Science, which is taught on a semester basis and each class attends science for one hour per week. For more information about Science, click here.