What is Olympic Day 2020? It is much more than just a sports event, it is an opportunity for the world to get active, learn about Olympic values and discover new sports. This year, athletes all over the world are reassessing their goals in a COVID-19 world, so Olympic Day encourages the general public and school students to do the same.
How can you be involved? We're encouraging students from Years 3 to 6 to realise how much can be achieved in just three weeks, if you set a goal and stick at it. Click on the website link below to watch the Youtube clip and find out how you can get involved. There is also an Olympic Activity guide with activities to do each day: https://www.olympics.com.au/olympic-day-2020/
Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing what you can achieve by setting a goal and sticking to it for 3 weeks. Please remember to upload your photos and videos of you working toward your goal on Seesaw.
Mr McDermott