School Advisory Council
School Advisory Councils are established by the parish priest to act as an advisory body for the school focusing on matters concerning the development of the school and the education and welfare of the students.
The key functions of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to provide advice on education matters relating to the school .
Serving on the SAC is a response to the call to support the local Catholic parish and school communities in a particular way. It is also a means for members of the community to share their skills and talents for the common good, and provide a rich source of wisdom and insight as well as a means of strengthening community links and potential for partnerships.
The St Patrick's SAC consists of the parish priest, principal, deputy principal, Assumption College principal, and parents.
Each parent member serves a three-year term and expressions of interest to fill vacancies at the end of each three-year term are called at the end of Term 3, with new members appointed at the AGM in November.
The SAC meets twice a term to discuss issues, provide feedback and review documents as required.
The SAC operates pursuant to a Handbook which is provided to each SAC member when beginning their term as a SAC member.
The current SAC consists of the following members:
Parish Priest
Deputy Principal
Business Operations Manager
EA to Principal
Assumption College
SAB Chair
Parent representatives
Father Prakash Cutinha
Michael Bourne
Julia Wake
Tracy Connors
Liz Darvell
Kate Fogarty
Ana Fraser
Nicole Maxwell
Tanya Sullivan
Scott Mills
Rebecca van de Paverd
Vikki Brumley