Visual Arts
The exciting world of Visual Art is opened up to our students in many ways through our vibrant Visual Arts Program. Painting, Drawing, Printing, Modelling, Construction, Clay work and Textiles are all on the agenda for our students to explore.
At St. Patrick’s we believe Art is for everyone.
Learning basic techniques within these core areas, and building up skills as the years progress, enables our students to gain a well-rounded understanding of Visual Arts practices and exposes students to many different art forms.
Immersion in a Visual Arts program generates opportunities for students to develop their creative abilities, express their ideas and experiment with new materials and techniques, as well as learning to work collaboratively with their peers and problem solve.
Artist studies and Art Appreciation develop curiosity, ignite interest and enhance self-esteem as students respond to art works, have opinions, use Arts Language and express thoughts, reactions and observations about their world.